NDT stands for non-destructive testing which covers a wide range of uses. At its core, the definition of NDT Equipment are tools that can examine an object or material using technology that does not affect its future usefulness. As you can imagine, examples of NDT can be seen in anything from manufacturing to medical testing. In this article, we will unpick 5 interesting non-destructive testing methods you should know about.
Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
Ultrasonic testing comes in many different non-destructive forms. However, all the variations rely on the use of ultrasonic waves to test an object or material and without causing any harm. One of the most common uses of UT is ultrasonic thickness measurement. Here the technique is used to measure the thickness of an object like some metal pipework. In this way, the metal’s corrosion can be tracked over time and the risk of the pipe breaking can be reduced.
Radiographic Testing (RT)
This technique involves the use of x-rays or gamma rays to view the internal structure of a component. The most obvious application of this testing is in medical x-rays for broken bones. However, a custom NDT equipment supplier can provide similar technology for the petrochemical industry, where this technique is employed to inspect machineries such as pressure vessels and valves, for cracks and other dangerous flaws.
Dye Penetrant Inspection (DP)
This method, also known as liquid penetrant inspection (LPI), NDT Penetrant Line and PT Penetrant System, is a fantastic choice for low-cost inspections and widely used in various industries. In this technique, a coloured dye is sprayed onto the object you want to test and used to reveal any surface-breaking defects in all non-porous materials such as metals, plastics, or ceramics.
Electromagnetic Testing (ET)
This technique employs the use of electromagnetic currents and fields; these are passed through the object you want to test. The responses from these fields and currents can then be read to reveal more about the inside of an object. These types of tests can be difficult to get right and require advanced NDT Equipment or the use of an external non destructive testing services specialist.
Visual Testing (VT)
Visual testing is one easy method of non-destructive testing that is based on optics. This can cover a wide range of methods from spot-checks with nothing more than a glance on a manufacturing line to more scientific approaches with optical equipment and measuring instruments.
As you can see there are various techniques and uses for NDT from a wide range of industries. And these are just some of the methods of non-destructive tests. So, if you are considering employing NDT in your business, we are sure you will find a method to suit your needs.